Golf Course Maintenance
The foundation of our success and reputation is based on a simple philosophy: We aim to exceed the standards and expectations of each client and their members/patrons. And we promise to do so at the lowest effective cost. We believe in building long-term relationships through superior performance. The fact that more than half of our clients have been with us for more than 15 years is a testament to this philosophy.
Maintenance Benefits
- Increased control of maintenance operations
- Improved course quality, playability and aesthetics
- Reduced chemical and materials costs
- Improved operating efficiencies & productivity
- Lower capital equipment costs
- Assured long-term continuity
- Reduced liability exposures
- Increased member/patron and management communications
- Reduced staffing challenges

Maintenance Planning Process
The planning process depends on many factors. We ask you many questions before we begin to ensure we’re not only looking at your present needs but your future ones as well.
1. What Shape Are You In?
This is an objective analysis of your present situation and position. We will involve all appropriate individuals in this process. Areas of focus include:
- Course & Grounds
- Current Plans and Practices
- Capital Equipment Management
- Maintenance Management
- Personnel Management
- Environmental Management
- Project Management
2. Where are you going?
Where will we be in 5 or 10 years if we continue going the same way? ServiScape will help qualify and quantify the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and problems that have been identified. This analysis is key to the next step.
3. Where do you want to go?
This is a different question than the one before it. The establishment of real, long-term goals is the most important action of your organization. These goals must accurately express the deepest motivations and desires of the people in control. ServiScape will help facilitate the development of these goals and objectives and upon your approval, proceed to the next step.
4. How do we get you there?
At this stage, we jump ahead in time and work back to determine what should be accomplished at various intervals in time, and specifically, what actions should be taken in the near term to maximize the probability that the objectives will be attained. We will help prepare:
A Master Maintenance Management Plan, a comprehensive plan covering every aspect of your course, grounds and maintenance operations, for the next few years. The plan will contain quantifiable standards and budgets against which performance will be measured.
An Annual Plan will cover, in monthly detail, all the areas from the Master Plan and will include budget and cash flow forecasts and monthly schedules including tournament and outing preparations, top dressing and aerifications, pesticide applications, project schedules, training dates, etc.
5. Cross and Double Checking
We establish checkpoints and reporting procedures to ensure that we are on plan, on budget and meeting the standards and expectations.
Maintenance Management
- We assume responsibility for the golf course and grounds maintenance
- We hire the entire maintenance staff
- We work with you through the entire process, including objectives, budgets, standards and procedures
- We provide consistent communication
- We work on a monthly fixed fee with every expense passed through at actual cost covering the senior staff cost who meets with our maintenance staff
- We are accountable to you